Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

If i were president of indonesia

if I were president of indonesia I would resign , (as we know) there is no strength left in this position. This position is only a bone of contention for the politicians, the political system in Indonesia is destroying each other for their own interest,there is so many pressure from the other politicians like slander through the mediaEverything that i do would constantly be under attack from somewhere,even from my own office,because of this condition then i can't do anything,and the other problems neglected even new problems arise .sorry for this statement but is truly from my heart

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

The summary of “The Geese Story”


    This amazing story is very impressive and full of lessons, we do not realize that animals also have a social life that might be better than human in general, this geese story provides many lessons about teamwork, motivation, leadership, even of solidarity.They always fill out and support each other,they always solve the problems together.The geese have demonstrated valuable lessons for me.
  • 1st lesson about "motivation"  
       They have thorough consideration and mature plan to start the journey.
The geese was flying to the destination with a collaboration to make a V formation that more efficient than to flying alone.
compared with men in general are only focused on their goals without mature consideration and planning
       Togetherness/solidarity is their commitment,they start together so they have to finish together.

They support/motivate each other because they have the same goals.when one goose is down, even though he have to leave the formation but some of the geese will keep and accompanying him in the new formation. They will stay with him until he is able to come up with the other again or until he died. 
       they always embed that they need the others to reach the goal.

When there is courage and encouragement,
the progress is greater..

A timely word of encouragement,
always motivates, helps and strengthens..
It produces the best of benefits...
  • 2nd lesson is about "Leadership".
  strong motivation will build a spirit of good leadership.
this flock is also having a leader where the leader can not lead all members
without the participation and support of all members.The leader need the encouragement from the all members.When the leader gets tired of flying, he goes to the end of V formation and will be replaced by another goose. but the most important thing is the all members are lead their own self.The leadership of this story is very great,its demonstrate how to solve every  problem together perfectly,There must be mutual respect between them all the time,they always gathering and combining their abilities to reach the goal.

  • 3th lesson is about "cooperation"
     with strong motivation and spirit of good leadership will create a great cooperation.
To reach their goal/destination quicker and easier The geese sharing the same direction and unify their differences become a strength.The geese flying on a “V” formation, they quack to encourage to the ones in the front,in that way they have to keep the same speed so they can feel the same resistance and the same effort.

there are 3 point of lesson that i can pick from the story.
this is my conclusion "
there is no living creatures that can live without other creatures"

and this is the moral message that delivered in the last presentation that very impressed,

Let’s stay beside each other no matter what the differences.
Specially in times of difficulty and great challenges.

If we bond together and support each other...
If we make true the spirit of teamwork...
Regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge.

If we understand the real value of friendship...
If we aware of the feeling of sharing...


Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

The reason why  the customer leave our restaurant or hotel :

1.unsatisfying service
2.impolite staff/employee
3.inadequate facilities
4.business competition
5.inappropriate price
6.Less innovation
7.the place are not strategic
8.the hygiene and cleanliness level is low

8 power of me

1. Smart is my main capital
2. Tenacious is my spirit
3. Unique (if not be able to be a best i have to be different /unique)
4. Mature planing before doing.
5. Honest (not hypocrite)
6. I like to speak in front of public/ a lot people
7. Problem and Risk as my challenge
8. I always love what i do,and i will do what i love.